Weekly Update and Bulletin 11/21/21

Hi Calvary!

I hope that this email finds you all well! I am looking forward to gathering as a church family on Sunday at 9:30am! This Sunday we will be exploring how to value others above ourselves as Jason Pierce teaches on Philippians 2:1-18 as well as celebrating our local partners by hearing stories of how they are impacting the lives of those around them. After the service, join us for Adult Sunday School where we will learn what it looks like to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and love others as yourself. 

Be sure to also join us for the 2nd Sunday Potluck following Sunday School. This was easily one of the highlights of October for me and I can’t wait for Sunday! Bring a dish to share as we will eat some incredible food and enjoy community with each other. Let us know what you are bringing by signing up here. I will be bringing some brownies, so make sure to be ready for that! Though I wouldn’t put too much trust in my baking skills.

See you Sunday!

Caleb Harlow
Communications and Worship Arts Coordinator

Here are a few things coming up at Calvary:

Sunday Livestream If you cannot make it in person this Sunday, you can live stream the service here.

Governing Board Update The Governing Board has affirmed 4 Elder nominees to serve through the spring of 2022: Marilyn Rietveld, Robin Maxson, Kent Ensing, and Curt Weirda. We will cast lots and commission one individual during the service this Sunday.

Congregational Vote regarding Pastor Matthew's revised position is open now until November 14. You can vote online by going HERE or in-person this Sunday, November 14. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to a Governing Board member.

Thanksgiving Offerings On Thanksgiving a food offering will be taken to replenish our food pantry and the remaining food will be distributed to The Holland Deacons Conference group homes, My Brother's Homes 1,2, and 3 as well as My Sister's Homes 1 and 2. Prayerfully consider donating dry goods and toiletries for men and women as well as grocery store gift cards. We also will be taking a financial offering during the service to support the four local partners we are highlighting throughout the next few weeks

We have a lot more going on at Calvary! Check out the bulletin here.


Weekly Update and Bulletin 11/28/21


Calvary Update from the Governing Board 11/16/21