Weekly Update and Bulletin 04/10/22
Hi Calvary,
This Sunday is Palm Sunday! I am looking forward to gathering together as a church family at 9:30am. We gather ready to be transformed by the Holy Spirit through singing, prayer, and hearing a message from Chris Anton on Luke 19:28-40 about The One Who is King. We also will be able to celebrate the baptism of Eleanor Rose Kuyvenhoven who is the daughter of Matthew and Belle! We will then go into our weeks ready to reflect Jesus’ love to those around us.
Also, this upcoming week is Holy Week! We will be gathering on Good Friday at 6pm to remember the death of Jesus and then on Easter Sunday at 9:30am we will come together to celebrate his resurrection!
See you Sunday!
Caleb Harlow
Communications and Worship Arts Coordinator
Here are a few things coming up at Calvary:
Sunday Livestream If you cannot make it in person this Sunday, you can live stream the service here.
World Renew Ukrainian Offering Update World Renew was sent a check for $37,548.92. This is absolutely amazing! If you would still like to donate, please donate directly to World Renew at worldrenew.net/ukraine-response.
VBS Volunteers Go to calvaryholland.com/vbs to sign up for the best week of the summer, June 20-24. We are looking for many volunteers. Email Jessica Van Rhee if you have any questions.
Calvary Stories A compilation of stories of God’s faithfulness at Calvary throughout the past few months. You can download a PDF versions here or pick up a paper copy on Sunday.
Daily Devotional Readings You are encouraged to participate in the daily devotional reading--Reading for Renewal: Romans. Devotional booklets can be received at Calvary or by downloading a PDF version here.
We have a lot more going on at Calvary! Check out the bulletin here.