Weekly Update and Bulletin 02/20/22
Calvary family,
Today I have something to share that I am so excited about! I want to introduce you to Calvary Stories. Throughout the past few weeks, I have been compiling stories of God at work in and through the lives of people at Calvary. This is an opportunity for staff to personally share stories of transformation in their own lives and also stories of God at work in their ministries. I hope that while reading this first issue you will be encouraged and inspired to continue to pursue transformation through the Holy Spirit in order to better reflect the love of Jesus in the world. You can download a PDF versions here or pick up a paper copy on Sunday.
This Sunday we are going to be unpacking our value of Bring. Gather with us on Sunday at 9:30am as we sing together, pray together, and hear a message from Pastor Matthew on Romans 10:12-15. Immediately after the service in the lodge, we are going to have our first community mixer! This will take the place of Sunday School this week and is an awesome opportunity to connect with people across generations. Sunday’s theme is game day, so we have games planned for all ages! I cannot wait to play some Uno and Candy Land with you all!
See you Sunday!
Caleb Harlow
Communications and Worship Arts Coordinator
Here are a few things coming up at Calvary:
Sunday Livestream If you cannot make it in person this Sunday, you can live stream the service here.
VBS 2022 Spark imagination and kick creativity into high gear this summer at Calvary's VBS "Spark Studios" - June 20-24. Sign up TODAY in the lobby or online at calvaryholland.com/vbs to volunteer and to register your kids for this fun Jesus filled week.
Daily Devotional Readings You are encouraged to participate in the daily devotional reading--Reading for Renewal: Romans. Devotional booklets can be received at Calvary or by downloading a PDF version here.
We have a lot more going on at Calvary! Check out the bulletin here.