Weekly Update and Bulletin 02/13/22
Hey Calvary family!
This week I have been thinking a lot about rest. Over the past few days I was able to take some time off and go skiing with my family. It was so good to have a few days of respite and enjoy the beautiful outdoors while making some good memories. How have you been able to rest this past week? I encourage you all this week to take even an hour to do something that is restful for you.
This Sunday we are going to be unpacking our value, Become. Gather with us on Sunday at 9:30am as we sing together, pray together, and listen to Jeff Sajdak teach on 2 Corinthians 3:16-18. During this time our prayer is that we will experience transformation through the Holy Spirit so we can be sent out to reflect the love of Jesus in the world.
As many of you probably have already noticed from these emails, I love food which is why I am so excited about this Sunday’s potluck! In honor of the Super Bowl, we are going to be having a Soup Bowl Sunday theme. Bring your best soup and make a some new friends! Sign up here so we can best plan for whoever is coming.
Caleb Harlow
Communications and Worship Arts Coordinator
Here are a few things coming up at Calvary:
Sunday Livestream If you cannot make it in person this Sunday, you can live stream the service here.
Churchwide Mixer Join us immediately following the worship service on February 20 and March 20 for Churchwide Mixers! These will be held in place of Sunday School. February's theme is "Game Day"--come to the Lodge to connect across generations with fun and games. We have things planned for all ages!
College Care Package Project This Sunday, February 13, is the last Sunday to donate items for the college care packages. Remember to fill out a card with your college student's shipping address. Boxes ship out February 15-17!
Daily Devotional Readings You are encouraged to participate in the daily devotional reading--Reading for Renewal: Romans. Devotional booklets can be received at Calvary or by downloading a PDF version here.
We have a lot more going on at Calvary! Check out the bulletin here.