Weekly Update and Bulletin 12/05/21
I hope this email finds you well! We are into December and managed to have a week with both snow and a 50 degree day. I am all for it!
I am looking forward to gathering as a church family on Sunday. As usual, we will worship together at 9:30am. When we gather, we anticipate that we will be transformed by the Holy Spirit through singing together, listening to a word from Pastor Matthew, and enjoying community with one another. After the service, we are then called to go and reflect the love of Jesus in the world. During this season of Advent, we get to anticipate the coming of Jesus to the world. It is so fitting then that we get to be a part of bringing the hope of Jesus’ coming to those around us!
Caleb Harlow
Communications and Worship Arts Coordinator
P.S. I have been blown away at Calvary’s generosity during Thanksgiving. It is incredible to be able to be a part of a church family that is so committed to loving those around us by giving financially and with food. Make sure to check out the bulletin below for an update on what was given.
Here are a few things coming up at Calvary:
Sunday Livestream If you cannot make it in person this Sunday, you can live stream the service here.
Calvary Angel Tree Once again Calvary will be blessing the families in the 3 Calvary Homes through the Angel Tree. The tree in the lobby has angels with a link to a Signup Genius where you will be able to sign up for the Christmas gift you would like to purchase. Please return unwrapped gifts with the receipts to the bin near the office by Dec. 15. We will be adding gifts over the next few weeks, so keep checking back! You can signup for a gift by clicking here. If you have questions contact Dillene Van Beek.
Sunday School What's Christmas without carols? Come and explore the history, context, and content of Christmas carols and learn how they can expand, inform, and enrich our celebration of the season. Hear the stories behind traditional carols, sing some of your favorites together, and perhaps learn a new carol to add to your playlist! Join us after the service this week in Room 101/102.
We have a lot more going on at Calvary! Check out the bulletin here.