Weekly Update and Bulletin 11/07/21
Hey Calvary, I hope you all had a great week! This week’s update comes from Dillene VanBeek, our Missions coordinator, who took some time to share her heart for what is coming up in the month of November:
We are looking forward to gathering this Sunday at 9:30am as we begin our new series Love is an Act of Worship. We will be exploring what it looks like for Calvary to Love God and Love Our Neighbor. Jeff Sajdak will be sharing the story of the Good Samaritan. I would love to have you join me for Adult Sunday School, following the service where we are taking the next 3 weeks to explore what it looks like to Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and love others as yourself.
In November we are also celebrating our local partners and how they are dedicated to worshipping God through the act of loving their neighbor. You will hear stories of how God has used each one of their ministries to impact the lives of those around them. At our Thanksgiving Service we will take a monetary offering to help meet the needs of our our local ministry partners and a material offering to help meet the needs of our neighbors. Please take time to ask God how he is leading you to love your neighbor by giving to these offerings. I am excited to be on this journey with you. My prayer is that as we grow in our love for God and our neighbor we would have eyes to see where the Holy Spirit is at work in our homes, workplaces, church, and community; and that we would bravely step where He is calling us to reflect Jesus.
Dillene Van Beek
Missions Coordinator
Here are a few things coming up at Calvary:
Sunday Livestream If you cannot make it in person this Sunday, you can live stream the service here.
Join a Small Group! Small Groups provide a place where we can belong, believe, become, bring, and be brave together in community. New Calvary groups are being formed this fall! You can fill out our interest form here, and you can also get more information in the lobby after the service on Sunday or contact Deb Gritter. This Sunday you can also find resources available for current small groups in the lobby as well.
2nd Sunday Potluck On November 14, we have our next 2nd Sunday Potluck! Bring a dish to share and enjoy good food and community. Let us know what you are bringing by signing up here.
Thanksgiving Choir Help us celebrate God's faithfulness by singing in the multigenerational choir on Thanksgiving morning. Anyone 3rd grade and older is welcome. Rehearsals will be Nov 16 and 23 from 6:30-8pm. Signup here, and contact Kelli with any questions.
We have a lot more going on at Calvary! Check out the bulletin here.