Weekly Update and Bulletin 10/17/21
Hi Calvary!
We have a big Sunday coming up! First of all we get to worship together on Sunday morning at 9:30am, where we will sing together, listen to a message from guest teacher, Dave Mosterd, and enjoy community through Sunday School following the service.
Another event to look forward to this Sunday is the Past, Present, Future Gathering. I am incredibly excited for this time of celebrating the way God has been with us in the past and present, and also looking forward to the direction God is calling us to! We will be gathering together for appetizers and dessert at 4:30pm with the service following at 5:00pm. I really want to encourage you to come and join your church family as we journey together towards God’s calling for us!
Recently, I have been about how we often consider our calling to be a singular destination. However, our callings are in fact a never-ending journey. As we anticipate Sunday night, let’s not get caught up in our destination as a church, but instead be excited about the journey we have the privilege of being a part of with our church family.
Caleb Harlow
Communications and Worship Coordinator
Here are a few things coming up at Calvary:
Sunday Livestream If you cannot make it in person this Sunday, you can live stream the service here.
Trunk or Treat October 27, 5:30-7pm. Come to eat, play, and fellowship with your church family and neighborhood! Sign up to decorate your car trunk and pass out candy here. Is providing candy a hurdle for you? Don't worry, we'll have you covered! Also if you're unable to make it but would still like to participate, we'd welcome donations of packaged candy dropped off at Calvary.
Service Opportunities Local Missions is looking for helpers to canvas local neighborhoods on Saturday, October 23, with invitations for Trunk or Treat. Bring your family, your friends, your small group, your dog, and get your steps in while passing out postcards to our neighbors. Jason will be at church from 8am-5pm on the 23rd with postcards and mapped out areas for canvassing.
Racial Healing Workshop October 23, 9-12pm in the Cafe. Join us for the 3rd workshop with our friend, Keith Reynolds
We have a lot more going on at Calvary! Check out the bulletin here.