Weekly Update and Bulletin 01/02/22
Calvary family!
I hope you all had a great Christmas and have been able to enjoy the weird in-between week that we currently are finding ourselves in. This is a time that many of us, including me, reflect back on 2021 and set goals for ourselves in 2022. As we look forward to the new year as a church, my prayer is that we continue to strive to better reflect the love of Jesus in the world.
On Sunday, we are starting off the new year with a two week series on worship and prayer. Be sure to join us at 9:30am on Sunday as we gather for the first time in 2022 to be transformed by the Holy Spirit through worship, prayer, and hearing a message from our worship director, Zawadi Morrow, on worship.
See you Sunday!
Caleb Harlow
Communications and Worship Arts Coordinator
P.S. What are goals that you have set for yourself looking forward to 2022?
Here are a few things coming up at Calvary:
Sunday Livestream If you cannot make it in person this Sunday, you can live stream the service here.
Ministry Holiday Schedule
Sunday School: Both adult and children’s Sunday School is on pause for the holidays. They will resume on January 9.
Connect Night: Connect Night is back on January 5! Come join us for dinner at 5:30pm and regular programming at 6:30pm.
Daily Devotional During our worship & prayer series, we will have a daily devotional available that was designed to help us put to practice what we will be learning on Sundays. There will be print versions available at the Welcome Center and a digital version can be downloaded here.
We have a lot more going on at Calvary! Check out the bulletin here.