We are in the middle of a year-long ministry focus here at Calvary–Becoming A House of Prayer for All People. We hope and pray that through this focus, we would radically reprioritize prayer–that through this focus all the present and future ministry and mission we do at Calvary would all be borne out of a place of prayer. For the season of Lent we will be in a series called 40.
Numbers are important in the Bible. Some numbers continue to reappear throughout the Scriptural story. One of those numbers is 40. The season of Lent is 40 days long–these 40 days parallel Jesus’ 40 days of fasting in the wilderness. Jesus’ 40 days of fasting in the wilderness parallels Israel’s 40 years of wandering in the wilderness. In addition to these two stories, this series will immerse us in “40” stories–stories in which God encountered, prepared, consecrated, and empowered one of His people, or the entirety of His people over the course of 40 days. By entering into these “40” stories, we pray you might be prompted to imagine how God may want to encounter you, prepare you, consecrate you, and empower you during this 40 day Lent season.
Lent Adult Sunday School For 5 weeks (February 25th-March 24th), we'll learn about and try out 4 ways to pray in silence, or 4 different methods of what is often referred to as contemplative prayer. These include breath prayer, centering prayer, imaginative/gathering prayer, and listening prayer. The class will be led by Pastor Alex and we’ll gather in the Flex Room at 11AM each Sunday.
Lent Resources for Families We have a table in the back of the sanctuary with Lent activities for families and kids of all ages. Take what you’ll use or bring an item to a neighbor or family member!
Lent Devotional Be sure to pick up our Lent Devotional + Prayer/Fasting Guide. They are available throughout the Worship Center or at the Welcome Center. A new devotional will be provided each week for that particular week. You may also download it below.
Stations of the Cross The Stations of the Cross is an invitation to meditate on Jesus’ sacrificial, redemptive acts of love as he walked to the cross. It traces its roots to the early Christian pilgrims who came to Jerusalem to visit the sites where Jesus was known to have been. The journey begins in the lobby at the cross and takes you throughout the Worship Center.
Download the devotional.
Participate in the daily devotional readings and prayer prompts.
Discuss the teaching.
Dig deeper with your small group or family.
Join a group.
Join a small group and participate in the Mens/Women’s Spiritual Life Groups.