Ephesians: Plundering the Promises + Playing our Part

British Author and Pastor Simon Ponsonby often gets together with one of his best friends to pray regularly. This friend will often begin their prayer times by saying, “Let’s plunder the chest of our inheritance!” As you may already know and as you will certainly come to see, Ephesians is a book chock-full of profound promises we have in Christ. It is my hope that by taking a slow and deliberate pace through Ephesians, you’ll come not only to a greater head-knowledge appreciation of these promises, but to a deeper heart-knowledge experience of these promises. It’s our hope that you would, indeed, plunder the chest of your Christ-gifted inheritance and relish in it.

And further, when we take hold of these promises (or rather, when these promises take hold of us), we are propelled to action. In fact, Scholar Tim Gombis claims that Ephesians is not “a doctrinal treatise…[but] rather a drama.” The promises we plunder usher us into the grand drama of God’s redemption in which God, the main character, calls us each into participative roles. Ephesians is not simply a bunch of promises for us to plunder, but a script for us to rehearse in the power of the Spirit. 

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